Paul made a statement to the Associated Press:
In my opinion, Alex was the most talented triple threat musician out of Memphis — and that's saying a ton," Paul Westerberg, the former Replacements frontman, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "His versatility at soulful singing, pop rock songwriting, master of the folk idiom, and his delving into the avant garde, goes without equal. He was also a hell of a guitar player and a great guy."
Honestly, what more is there to say? If you've made your way to this site, you already know what a huge loss this is, how amazing his music was and how much influence the music of Alex Chilton and Big Star had on the music we all love so much. There's not a lot I can add, so I've put together some links below.
• Memphis music loses ‘Big Star’ — singer, songwriter Alex Chilton dies at 59 - TheMemphis Commercial Appeal
• Underrated Iconoclast: Alex Chilton's Lasting Influence - The Atlantic Wire
• Alex Chilton dies on the eve of South by Southwest tribute - The Chicago Sun-Times
• Alex Chilton dies at 59; mercurial leader of the Box Tops, Big Star - • The LA Times
• A Couple Alex Chilton Songs - Amazing tribute from Alex Pareene at Gawker
Congressman Steve Cohen commemorates the life of Alex Chilton in the House of Representatives, watch this clip below, you can tell it's from the heart.
I found this picture of Paul and Alex Chilton on this blog , it was taken during a show at Maxwell's in Hoboken in 1987. I love it.
And finally, here's PW doing "Alex Chilton" at the Guthrie in 2002. Sing along, won't you?
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